Nǐ kěnéng hěn nàn xiāngxìn xiàmiàn de gùshì, dànshì wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎozhèng, zhè shì zhēn de.
Dàyuē yīgè xīngqí qián, wǒ de yīgè péngyǒu zài lùntán lǐ fāle yīgè tiē zǐ, tā xiǎng zhīdào lùntán li yǒu méiyǒu péngyǒu dàoguò zhōngguó xuéxí zhōngwén.
Jiēzhe, qùguò zhōngguó dì nàxiē rén yīgè jiē yīgè de màole chūlái, dàn què zì gù zì de gēn qítā rén liáole qǐlái. Zhídào tāmen liáo dào língxià wǔ dù xià xuě de tiānqì gēn língdù yǐshàng guā fēng de tiānqì nǎge gèng bú shūfú de shíhòu. Zhōngyú yǒurén xiǎngqǐ wǒ dì nà wèi péngyǒu, wèn tā shìfǒu yào qù zhōngguó xuéxí zhōngwén.
Wǒ péngyǒu yǐjīngguòle shàngxué de niánlíng, suǒyǐ dāng tā huídá 'shì' de shíhòu, dàjiā dōu juédé hěn qíguài. Tā gàosù dàjiā tā méiyǒu xuǎnzé, bìxū qù. Dàjiā dàng rán bù kěn fàngqì, xiǎng cóng tā zuǐ lǐ tào chū gèng duō de xìnxī.
'Wǒ bìxū qù.' Bèi zhuīwèn dé bù shēng qí fán hòu tā shuō: 'Wǒ zài zhuī dì nà bù mànhuà chūle xùjí, zhǐyǒu zhòng wén bǎn, méiyǒu wǒmen yǔyán de bǎnběn!'
she wanted to go to china to study language
You may find the following story hard to believe. But I assure you it is true.
About a week ago, a friend of mine posted a question to a forum. She wanted to know if said forum had any member who had been to China to study Mandarin.
Naturally, people claiming to'd visited China emerged one by one and began talking among themselves. In the middle of a discussion about which one is worse, Beijing in -5 Celcius degree with snow or Beijing above zero but with the wind blowing, someone finally remembered my friend. She asked her whether she'd want to go to China to study Mandarin.
My friend's age was past when the age when people usually go pursue their education, so when she said yes, people were curious. She told them she had to go, she had no choice. It was understandable that by then people wanted to squeeze every piece of information out of her.
"I must go," she said after so many of us pestered her: "The manga series I've been following published a new book, and the only translation available is in Chinese language."