Jìrán wǒ yǐjīng kěyǐ bùyòng zìdiǎn jiù néng rèn chū yīxiē hànzì yīncǐ wǒ juédìng yào tíshēng yīxià nándù.
Shàng cì qù xiānggǎng de shíhòu, wǒ jūzhù de fàndiàn gěile wǒ miǎnfèi qǔ yuè de xīn yuē. Tāmen jiù fàngle tā zài wǒ de fángjiān lǐ. Tā zhēn bùcuò, shì zhōng yīngwén duìzhào de. Huílái hòu, wǒ shìtú dúshū zhōngwén bùfèn, dàn dú bù dǒng, suǒyǐ wǒ yě fàngqìle yīngwén bùfèn. Nà xīn yuē jiù zài jiàzi shàng méngchén.
Jìrán wǒ yǐjīng kěyǐ bùyòng zìdiǎn jiù néng rèn chū yīxiē hànzì yīncǐ wǒ juédìng yào tíshēng yīxià nándù. Wǒ bǎ xīn yuē fān dào suíjī tiāoxuǎn de yè, yòng shǒu fùgài yīngwén bùfèn, dú yīduàn zhōngwén bùfèn, shìtú zhǎo chū nà duàn de nèiróng shì shénme. Hǎo ba wǒ shuōle yīxiē huǎng, suǒwèi “suíjī tiāoxuǎn” de yè duōbàn yǒu hěn duǎn de duàn. :P
Wǒ jīntiān xuǎnzé de duàn yǒu yīxiē hànzì wǒ kěyǐ rèn chū: "... men duì zhǔ shuō... jiā wǒmen de... xīn... zhǔ shuō... nǐmen... yǒu... yī... zi dàxiǎo de... xīn... jiùshì duì zhè... shuō... lái... qù... zài... lǐ... tā yě huì tīngcóng nǐmen." Wǒ hěn kuài juédé zhè shì 'gàosù shān dào hǎilǐ qù' nà duàn, dàn wǒ cuòle. Zhè shì 'gàosù sāngshù dào hǎilǐ qù' nà duàn. Wǒ zǎo jiù zhīdào! Zài zhè duàn lǐ méiyǒu hànzì 'shān'. -__-
Cóng rènhé gàn de qūzhú shān shì zài mǎ 21·21, ér sāngshù nì zài hǎiyáng lǐ shì zài lù 17·5—6. Zhǔ xǐhuān bǎ qíguài de shì jìnrù xián de shuǐzhōng.
learning chinese through a christian bible
Now that I can recognize several Chinese characters without the help of a dictionary, I decide to up my game.
Last time I went to Hong Kong, my hotel provided a complimentary copy of New Testament. They placed it in my room. What's great about it was that it was in two language, English and Mandarin, side-by-side. After going home I tried to read the Mandarin part but wasn't able to, so I left the English part altogether. The book stayed on the book shelf, collecting dust.
Now that I can recognize several Chinese characters without the help of a dictionary, I decide to up my game. I open the New Testament on a random page, cover the English part, read one passage in Mandarin, trying to figure out what the passage's talking about. OK I cheat a bit, most of the time the 'random' page contains the shortest passage possible. :P
In the passage that I chose today I recognized the words 'Lord', 'toward this', 'it also will listen to you'. I immediately thought of 'telling the mountain to relocate to the sea' passage, which this passage was not. This one was 'telling the mulberry tree to relocate to the sea'. I knew it! The 'mountain' character wasn't found in that passage. -__-
The eviction of the mountain from any dry land was Matthew 21:21, while drowning this mulberry tree into the ocean was in Luke 17:5-6. The Lord sure loved having strange things submerged in salty water.
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