Zuìjìn wǒ wènle yīgè péngyǒu, tā zài gàn ma.
Tā huídá dào: 'Péikè.' Wǒ bùzhīdào nà jù huà shì shénme yìsi, yúshì jiù zài fānyì gǔgē shàng cháxún, dànshì jiéguǒ bù zhī suǒ yún.
Ránhòu wǒ wènle tā, 'Péikè shì shénme yìsi? Wǒ zhīdào de zhōngwén cíyǔ hěn shǎo.'
Guò le hěn cháng shíjiān tā dōu méiyǒu huídá, suǒyǐ wǒ yòngle gǔgē túpiàn zhǎole péikè de túpiàn (ń ń, wǒ hěn jīzhì duì bùduì). Zhè shí diànnǎo píngmù shàng xiǎnshì chūle xǔduō chuān jīhū méi yīfú de nǚrén de zhàopiàn! Wǒ jiǎnzhí bù gǎn xiāngxìn, tā qù jìyuànle, zhè hái yòng gàosùle wǒ?
Dì èr tiān tā shuōle, 'Shì jiàn kèhù de yìsi!'
Gǔgē hěn kàobùzhù de. =__=
文化的区别 -- 第二部分
谷歌很靠不住的。 =__=
culture shock -- part two
Recently I asked a friend what he was doing.
He answered with two Chinese characters, which resulted in 'Peiqia' if you put them in Google translate.
I responded by asking him what that meant while apologizing for my bad Chinese.
He didn't answer for a long time, so I went to Google image and put those two characters in the search field (yes, yes, resourceful aren't I). Then pictures of scantily-dressed girls appear. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was this guy going to a cathouse and feeling he had to tell me about it?
The next day he said that it meant meeting a customer.
Google is so unreliable. =__=
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