Wǒ de tóngshì gěile wǒ yī bāo gān jú chá. Páizi shì tài shū de. Huí dàojiā hòu, wǒ ná gǔnshuǐ jìnguò chá bāo, ránhòu hēle yīxià. Hǎo xiāng de chá! Wǒ yě gěile wǒ àirén pǐncháng.
Tā de píngjià ne? "Wén qǐlái xiàng biànzhí de yóu."
=_= Zhè nóngmín...
calm chamomile
So a colleague gave me a packet of chamomile tea. It was Tazo's. Later at home I poured boiling water over the teabag and enjoyed the tea. It was very fragrant!After drinking it myself, I let my lover take a sip.
"Smelled like cooking oil gone bad," he said.
=_= This good-for-nothing man...
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