"Nà, nǚhái zěnmeliǎo?"
-- Huí Dào Dìqiú --
Yìnní yǒu yīgè shíshàng cháoliú: Sà lā táocí liányīqún. Wǒ bù gǎn kěndìng zhè zhēn de shì nà cháo pái zhìzào de, yīnwèi zài zhèlǐ yǒu hěnduō jiǎ huò. Bùguò, nà tiáo liányīqún díquè hěn xiàng qīnghuācí.
Zuìchū wǒ bìng bùxiǎng mǎi, yīn wéi hàipà chuān qǐlái xiàng chuān shuìyī. Dàn zuìhòu háishì mǎile nà tiáo liányīqún, xiǎng zàixià zhōumò chuān tā.
Dàole zhōumò qì sǐ wǒle, yīnwèi wǒ kàn jiàn liǎo bù shǎo yú wǔ gè nǚhái chuānzhuó gēn wǒ wánquán yīyàng liányīqún!
-- 回到地球 --
印尼有一个时尚潮流: 飒拉陶瓷连衣裙。我不敢肯定这真的是那潮牌制造的,因为在这里有很多假货。不过,那条连衣裙的确很像青花瓷。
china blue dress
"What about the girls?"
-- Return to the Earth --
There's a recent fashion trend in y country: Zara ceramic dress. I can't say for sure that it's really made by the popular brand, for Indonesians are notorious for brand hijacking, but the dress indeed looks like China blue.
At first I was reluctant to buy it, I was afraid it'd look like sleeping gown when worn.
I bought it anyway with the intention to wear it the next weekend. The day came, and lo', I encountered not less than five other women wearing the exact same dress!
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