Yīgè péngyǒu zàidú wán wǒ de bókè zhīhòu fābiǎo yìjiàn. Tā juédé wǒ xiěle tài duō guānyú jìnǚ màiyín de shì. Tā shuō, bùshì měi gèrén dōu yǒu tiáojiàn zuò.
Jīntiān zài “zhǎngshàng zhōngguó” kàn dào yīgè lèisì de píngyǔ, wǒ cái míngbái tā de yìsi. “Shàng cuò àn” xiě: 'Chī ruǎn fàn yěshì mén jìshù huó shuí dōu néng chī ma zhǎng de chǒu yòu méi qián yòu méi fáng yòu méi chē yòu méi gèrén mèilì xiǎng chī yě chī bù dào a suǒyǐ tāmen chī néng jídù de qù mà yǒu nénglì chī de hāhāhā hā hā'
Bù, chī ruǎn fàn bùshì màiyín. Duì, wǒ cāi wǒ de péngyǒu xiǎng shuō de shì, rúguǒ wǒ xiǎng chéngwéi yīgè jìnǚ yě zuò bù dào a! Dàn tā zhǐsāngmàhuái, suǒyǐ tīng qǐlái bu tài kèbó.
今天在《掌上中国》看到一个类似的评语,我才明白她的意思。《上错岸》写:「吃软饭也是门技术活 谁都能吃吗 长的丑 又没钱 又没房 又没车 又没个人魅力 想吃也吃不到啊 所以他们吃能嫉妒的去骂有能力吃的 哈哈哈哈哈」
and no, she is not a prostitute herself
A friend shared her two-cents after reading my blogs. She thought I wrote too much about prostitution and the like. She said not everyone can do it.
I just understand what she meant after encountering a similar comment on chinaSMACK today. Someone called 上错岸 wrote "'Eating soft rice' is actually a technical job, not one anyone can do. If you’re ugly and you don’t have money nor house nor car nor personal charm, you can try and still not succeed! So, they can only enviously go criticize those who have the ability to do so! Hahahahaha!"
No, eating soft rice is not prostituting. Yes, I suspect that my friend basically said I didn't have what it took to become a prostitute. She just masked it so it didn't sound too harsh.
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