Wǒ gānggāng shēngchéng yīgè Outlook zhànghù. Dàn dāng wǒ xiǎng fāsòng yī fēng diànzǐ yóujiàn shí, yǒu jǐnggào shuō: "Qǐng yànzhèng nǐ de zhànghù. Wǒmen fāxiàn nǐ de Outlook.com zhànghù cúnzài yīxiē yìcháng huódòng. Wèile bāngzhù bǎohù nǐ, wǒmen zhànshí zǔzhǐle nǐ de zhànghù." Wǒ méi lǐ tā, wǒ juédé wēiruǎn wúliáole. Dàn wēiruǎn shì rènzhēn de, wǒ de diànzǐ yóujiàn wánquán fǎ bù chūqù!
Zuìhòu wǒ rěnle, dàn wǎngzhàn qǐngqiú shǒujī tōngguò yànzhèng, "Yìndùníxīyà" méiyǒu shàngshì! Bǐ'ěr·Gài cí tā mā..
Méi cuò, wǒ yǐqián xiěle zhèyàng de shìqíng.
我刚刚生成一个Outlook帐户。 但当我想发送一封电子邮件时,有警告说:「请验证你的帐户。我们发现你的Outlook.com帐户存在一些异常活动。为了帮助保护你,我们暂时阻止了你的帐户。」我没理它,我觉得微软无聊了。但微软是认真的,我的电子邮件完全发不出去!
should i move to another country just to use my outlook account?
I just created an Outlook account. But when I wanted to send an email it said "Please verify your account. We've noticed some unusual activity in your Outlook.com account. To help protect you, we've temporarily blocked your account." I brushed it off, thinking Microsoft was being silly. But Microsoft was serious about it, I couldn't send any emails at all!
So I relented, but this happened: They asked for a mobile phone verification, but they didn't have 'Indonesia' listed! Wtf?
Yes, once I wrote something like this.
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