Nǐ rúguǒ méiyǒu děnglízǐ diànshì, biérén juédé nǐ shì jíduān fènzi.
-- mǎkè·bó yī ěr-méiyǒu jīnqián de rén --
Wǒ shènzhì lián yī tái diànshì dōu méiyǒu, gèng bié shuō nà?
-- wǒ --
Bìshèngkè diànyuán huì fēnfā jiàn qìqiú, qítā rén de xióng háizi bùyòng tā chuō wǒ de shíhòu, wǒ háishì xǐhuān qù nàlǐ chī bǐsà de.
Wǒ yě xǐhuān tāmen jiào “táozi quán” de yǐnliào, hěn měiwèi de. Suǒyǐ wǒ dà bùfèn shíjiān hē nàge.
Zhè cì càidān yǒu yīxiē xīn de shípǐn, hǎoxiàng jiào nà qiáo nǎilào shénme de. Yī zhǒng yìdàlì miàn de jiàng hé ròu, jiā yīxiē yùmǐ bǐng, ránhòu bǎ yùxiān rónghuà de nǎilào dào zài shàngmiàn. Wèidào jīngrén de hǎo.
Pángbiān de zhuōzi de sān gè xiǎopéngyǒu yě jīngrén de guījǔ! Wǒ xiǎng gēn jiāzhǎng jìnxíng yīcì wèn tán, zěnme gěi háizi chī shénme yàole, tāmen de háizi cái nàme shùncóng. Wǒ huáiyí, zài bìshèngkè li yǒu wéi értóng shèzhì de bòhé yān; yīnwèi bā suì yǐxià de háizi xúnguīdǎojǔ de hěn shǎo.

-- 马克·博伊尔-没有金钱的人 --
-- 我 --
what's new on pizza hut
If you don't own a plasma screen TV, people think you're an extremist.
-- Mark Boyle – The Moneyless Man --
I don't even own a TV, how about that?
-- me --
When not being poked by sword-shaped balloons that is bestowed upon unruly children of other visitors by the employee of Pizza Hut, I like to enjoy their pizza.
I also grown to love their Peach Spring drink, which is heavenly. So I ordered that most of the time.
This time there's a new menu, nacho cheese something. It looked like someone made the meat sauce off a spaghetti recipe and added a handful of tortillas on it, then poured some previously melted cheese on it. It surprisingly tasted good.
The three children seated next to my table were also surprisingly well-behaved! I would like to throw an interview to the parents, what antidote did they give to their sweet children. Pizza Hut's places seem to exude the fume of catnip-equivalent for human children; it's very rare to see calm, contained children under the age of eight in their restaurants.